Personal Injuries and Employee Compensation

Our Firm handles numerous personal injuries and employee compensation cases.  Our services include:

  • Personal injuries claim
  • Fatal accident claim
  • Employee’s compensation claim
  • Medical negligence claim
  • Occupational diseases claim

A personal injury occurs when a person suffers bodily injuries during an accident.  Personal injuries refer to both physical damage and psychological damage (such as a victim suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after an accident). Injuries may impose major impact on the victim’s life and may lead to permanent disabilities and financial difficult of the injured and his family.  Legal action for personal injuries may be instituted when a person’s injury or death is caused solely or partly by the fault of another person or his agent.

As to work-related injuries and employee compensations, most of the matters that relate to work-related injuries and their respective forms of compensation are governed by the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Cap. 282 of the Laws of Hong Kong). According to the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance, an accident to an employee is deemed to arise out of and in the course of employment if the act was committed by the employee for the purposes of and in connection with the employer’s trade or business.

Our Firm is capable of handling legal liability claims as well as insurance claims for clients in the circumstances of such unfortunate incidents.


Selected cases:

  • DAI JIANQIANG 對 LAU YIU BUN (劉耀斌) t/a WING LEE DOR LAU’S ENGINEERING CO 及另二人  [2021] HKDC 883 Employees’ Compensation Ordinance 
  • 謝詠儀 對 陽華集團有限公司 [2020] HKCFI 2359 
  • 方菀婷 對 陽華集團有限公司 [2020] HKCFI 2359 

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